One question potential solar panel owners often have is: Is my roof fit for solar energy equipment? This leads to a debate between roof-mounted units versus ground units. It’s worth considering that roof panels often allow for more sunlight to hit the panels.  But, frankly, why take up precious yard space when your roof is likely just as suitable for solar panel installation? You may find that your roof has been hiding the potential for solar panels all along.

Many roofs are already outfitted with the necessary structural integrity to support solar panels for the long term. But your roof needs more than support to get the most out of solar panels. Most panels should get sun constantly throughout the day to absorb the peak amount of energy, which means tree cover can pose a problem. Your roof also needs to have roughly 27 feet of open space for a typical solar panel, and that space will preferably be facing at least slightly west. This allows for the most sunlight to hit the panels throughout the day. If you have the space and the sunlight, there is no reason not to invest in solar energy equipment!

If, on the other hand, your roof isn’t quite up to par, there are some things you can do to ensure your solar installations function at their highest capacity. These things include trimming trees to allow more light onto your roof, or perhaps even building supports for your installations. Ultimately, you should talk with your solar energy equipment installers to best determine the structural integrity and effectiveness of your roof. These professionals will work to ensure your solar panels are situated safely and soundly, so that even in the worst storms, you won’t have to worry about them. That’s the benefit of working with a solar energy expert.