If you’re interested in converting your home to solar energy, but aren’t quite sure how it works, it can be daunting to read through all the information out there. We’re going to go through a very brief rundown about how solar power works; not only will this information help you determine if solar energy is right for you, but if you do decide to make the switch, you’ll be more informed about what type of system is best for your home.

Let’s say you have solar panels installed on your roof. Each day, the sun hits these panels, and they collect the sun’s energy in the form of photons. The panels convert this energy into DC electricity, or direct current. One of the most crucial pieces of the process comes next. The DC current flows to an inverter, which changes the energy into an AC current that can be utilized by your home.

This alternating current powers your appliances and lights, and is stored if you don’t quite use all of it each day. What’s nice is that the storage of additional energy can help to power your home overnight or during the winter, so you almost always have some sort of a backup supply. Depending on where you live, some utility companies will even credit your electric bill for this surplus.

Naturally, the more panels you have and the larger they are will create more usable energy for your home. Be sure to discuss specific details with your contractor before beginning installation. Where you live, the size of your roof, and the orientation of your home will all be factors to consider when determining the most effective system for you.