After doing your research and finally making the decision to install solar panels onto your home or business, you might think the work is done. While it’s true that your solar energy system does the heavy lifting by itself, it still requires attention and maintenance just like anything else. Thankfully, it’s pretty simple to keep your panels working well, so let’s run through a few tips to remember.

The real way that solar panels stay effective is for them to have the most square footage available to absorb energy from the sun. Sometimes due to winter storms or high winds, you could end up with debris on your roof that is blocking part of the panel’s surface. It’s best to do a visual inspection every so often to make sure you don’t have a problem on your hands. Large items like tree branches should be easily visible from the ground.

Assuming nothing large is blocking your panels, your next step is to give them a thorough cleaning from time to time. Depending on where you live, fall and winter’s rain might do that work for you. But if you need to add a little extra washing into the year, it certainly can’t hurt. Sometimes it’s as simple as hosing them down while standing on the ground. Other climates might warrant a scrub with a soft sponge. If going up on the roof is a little too scary for you, consider hiring a professional to come out and do it for you.

Lastly, after everything is in sparkling shape, you can double check your handy-work by purchasing a device that measures the performance of your solar panel system. If you’ve cleaned and maintained them, and something still doesn’t seem right, think about using one of these products to make sure you don’t have a problem with another part of your system.

With just a bit of time spent several times a year, you can keep your panels running efficiently and continue enjoying the benefits of running off clean energy!