When you think of solar power, what often comes to mind is a single family home in a sunny area with palm trees and blue sky. The roof has solar panels on it, and the happy people who live inside have had their entire utility bill taken care of thanks to the power of the sun. In a lot of cases, this picture is accurate. But what if you’re someone who lives in an apartment, or is renting a home and is not allowed to install such a large project? There’s good news – you too can pay for and reap benefits from solar energy!

The changing landscape of U.S. real estate has forced many people to shy away from the “American Dream” of owning a home, and naturally this brings along challenges for those who want to utilize solar energy. Start up companies have noticed this trend, and are creating a way for everyone to be able to harness clean energy. Community solar programs are popping up all across the country, and although Florida has yet to see its first one, there’s no doubt it will be on it’s way soon.

Essentially, as someone who doesn’t have their own solar energy system, you can pay to purchase a panel elsewhere and have your electric bill offset by the energy it creates. You can buy as many panels as you want, and obviously the more you buy, the more of a dent you’re putting in your utility bill.

The panels aren’t cheap, coming in at several hundred dollars, so it usually takes at least a handful of years before they’ve paid for themselves. But think about the possibilities once that’s happened! You can live in an inexpensive apartment and have zero electricity bills for life! Solar programs like these are sweeping through the country rather quickly, so keep your eyes out for one near you.