Technology is constantly pushing the boundaries of what we think is an option. Imagine getting power from the sun? Crazy, if someone thought of the idea 100 years ago. Now, the idea of solar energy is very commonplace for us, but we limit it to usage inside our home. For those of us constantly on the go, can solar power really meet our needs? Some people say yes.

How often have you been running errands all day only to find that your phone dies hours before you’re due home? What about if you’re an avid hiker or camper, and struggle to keep your devices charged? As someone who believes in the investment of solar energy, you can actually use solar power to keep these things from happening!

A company in Finland has developed very lightweight solar panels that attach to a special backpack. It’s designed for everyday people to be able to utilize renewable energy in their regular lives. You don’t have to be an extreme off the grid person, you just need to be someone who leaves their house and doesn’t want to run the risk of their phone or device losing power.

It’s exciting developments like these that are encouraging your friends and neighbors to take the next step into using renewable energy sources. If you’re afraid of the investment that solar energy requires for your home, maybe something portable is a better place to start.

Once you begin to see the benefits of using this free energy source, you’ll be more inclined to make a permanent decision about what kind of carbon footprint you make. The next time your phone dies on you, think about how it might be different if you had portable energy with you!