It’s a Great Time to Live in Florida if You Want Solar

The popularity of solar power has spread across the nation at a rather steady pace. However, 2017 stands to put Florida at the top of its class in terms of solar power capabilities. Florida Power & Light has made an announcement that this year will bring 8 new...

To Buy Or To Lease Thats The Solar Question

Are you thinking about installing solar onto your rooftop but you aren’t sure about the financial ramifications of it? You’ve already decided that it’s an obvious choice to cut back on your energy costs and the positive impact on the planet is clear, but how do you...

Is It Time To Jump On The Solar Bandwagon

Many Floridians are nervous about transitioning their energy needs to solar power, just like most people across the rest of the country. Although the technology has been refined and streamlined over many years, all in all it’s still considered “new.” Early adopters...

How To Get a Loan For Your Solar Installation

If you’ve been living in your dream home and feel like there’s just one thing missing, it might be solar power. Those in the Sunshine State have increased their use of this renewable energy in the last several years, and while it’s incredibly smart, it also can come...