Duke Energy, in coordination with Walt Disney World, has installed a solar array in the shape of the big mouse himself, spanning nearly 20 acres and clocking in at around 5-Megawatts.

There has been a lot of political talk revolving around the media lately about the two combatting solar ballot initiatives fighting for a spot on the 2016 ballot. While one seems to be losing steam and the other promises to limit an individual’s solar potential, it’s beginning to feel like Florida has forgotten the true nature and purpose of solar energy: positive change!

That’s why Duke and Disney’s new addition has solar advocates so excited. Not only is the Lake Buena Vista amusement powerhouse making positive changes to their park by introducing more clean energy, but they are using it as an opportunity to show that solar energy doesn’t have to be all about panels and sunshine, it can also be fun!

Think about all the things in your house that run on electricity. You likely have a few lamps plugged into the wall, your water heater cooking away to pump out hot water, or even a security system to keep your family safe at night. But while you may use the majority of your home’s energy for essentials, chances are, you also have entertainment around the house too. Solar energy powers more than a few lights around the house. It powers TVs, videogames, blenders, refrigerators, wireless routers, and pretty much anything else that plugs into an outlet. Solar energy isn’t just a utility. It’s a way to harness your own energy, for your own home and your own fun.

Disney’s solar power makes sure the Tower of Terror falls just as fast every time you ride it. It makes sure Tea Cups are spinning and Dumbo is flying. And let’s face it: if energy is meant to help the world have fun, why not have good, clean fun with good, clean energy?