When someone mentions solar power, you typically think of large dark panels on top of your roof right? They may not always match a home’s aesthetic, and many are hesitant to install them due to concerns over curb appeal. However, companies around the world are coming up with ways to utilize solar that are far more discreet than your typical designs.

We’ve previously mentioned the creation of solar roof tiles as one way to integrate home beautification and clean energy, but others are jumping on the solar bandwagon to get even more creative. One company in the Netherlands has created windows that integrate very small solar cells around the edges of the window frame. These cells are angled at a specific way so that they capture incoming light and transform it into energy.

The first business to take this on was a Dutch bank, and while they aren’t seeing quite the immense amount of energy savings like they would with rooftop devices, it’s still enough to make a difference.

Hopefully homeowners will begin to cash in on this option as well, but for now there’s another route they can take if they want more than just solar. Certain companies are creating paint specifically designed to convert the air’s water molecules into clean-burning energy. While this obviously isn’t using solar technology specifically, it’s being marketed as a nice complement to solar panels that energy conscious consumers already have.

The future looks bright for clean energy options for homeowners and business alike, and as the technology for each of these solutions improves, cost and accessibility will only become smaller barriers. If you’re interested in how solar energy might help you, call us today.