While the solar energy industry has certainly gained some momentum in the past 5 years, the fact remains that there aren’t enough people using solar energy equipment for manufacturers to justify more rapid solar technology developments. Frankly, Florida’s solar market has been one of the weaker markets in the nation, which is hard to believe about a state dubbed “The Sunshine State”. So, the question remains, why isn’t Florida more solar savvy?

The answer could lie in Florida’s weather patterns. While most people think of Florida’s sunshine, they often forget how much rain and cloud cover the state gets. For every sunny area, there is a cloudy area, and with frequent storm activity, solar panels can sometimes be damaged. These drawbacks have put a small damper on the interest in the past, but times are changing, and so are solar panels.

Though it’s said alternative energy is only alternative until it’s cheap, the fossil fuels most of America uses are getting even more expensive than they were. The cost of solar energy equipment has gone down significantly since an interest took hold, and the solar energy industry isn’t doing as bad as most people think. It also takes less time to feel a return on the overall investment of a solar panel.

People are finally starting to realize the benefits of harnessing the sun. Not only is it better for the environment, but they are far more cost efficient than electricity. Some homeowners satisfy as much as two thirds of their electricity needs, just by installing solar panels on their roofs. Hopes are high these benefits, and many others, will contribute to a greater investment from the state and its inhabitants in the future, but for now, solar energy still only makes up 0.06% of Florida’s energy generation.