As an adult, how many times have you moved? Three, ten, or fifteen times? Without going too deep into the state of our nation’s economy, it’s been proven time and time again that buying a home is much harder now than it used to be only a few decades ago. This increase in what we loosely call a “nomadic lifestyle” brings about certain realities when it comes to aspects of your home. If you move from apartment to apartment every few years, what could you have to do with solar power? It turns out there are more options than you think.

One popular option is called plug-and-play; as simple as the name sounds, using it is just as easy! You literally plug the device into an outside receptacle, and you can instantly begin reaping the benefits of harnessing the sun’s power. Unless you have a great deal of these units, it’s safe to say that it won’t handle the needs of your entire household. However, even just a little bit of savings might help take the edge off your electric bill.

It’s worth noting that many of these products aren’t up to state and federal regulations, so be sure to do your research and due diligence before making a purchase. They might only be a few hundred dollars, which makes them enticing, but they need to be of a certain quality to ensure the safety of you and your home.

Naturally, if you are in a position to make a permanent installation of solar panels onto your home, that’s typically your best bet. Not only will you reap the most benefits by being able to dramatically offset your electric bill, but you’ll also play a larger part in decreasing your carbon footprint. Once you’ve settled down and are going to be in your home for a while, think about the steps you can take to begin utilizing a clean energy source.