We’re only into January but so far this winter seems to be a little crazy. While Florida has still remained nice and warm, other parts of the country aren’t faring so well. If you’re longing to escape to a winter wonderland, you might end up purchasing a cabin to visit every now and again. If you’ve already made this type of investment, consider utilizing a unique solar option for your winter cabin or retreat.

Most of us associate solar power with warmth – we think of the sun shining and it being hot outside. People think about solar panels collecting power when it’s summertime, because that’s when it is sunny. But the winter time sun is actually quite powerful as well, and can still help to further your solar goals despite the chilly temperature.

If you have a small cabin you like to visit, how do you heat it? A popular trend these days is to install a small amount of solar panels on your roof. Chances are, the cabin is significantly smaller than your house, so you probably only need two or three panels at the most. With a smaller square footage, you won’t need nearly as much power to heat your interior, so you can dramatically reduce your heating costs by making an easy switch.

Remember, solar panels work best when they are unobstructed. If a storm just blew through and your roof is covered in snow, be sure to clear it off so your panels can work effectively. The same rule of thumb applies to any branches or debris that might have blown up onto the roof.

The uses for solar power aren’t limited to the home you occupy day in and day out. It’s possible to make a small investment upfront to enjoy a toasty winter vacation every year!