As long as most of us have been alive, we’ve been utilizing fossil fuels to power our lives. It’s always been accepted as the norm. Gas prices go up and they go down. Energy rates fluctuate from time to time. But rarely does anyone challenge this method of thought. Why are we stuck using energy that we’ve always used?

For the first time in history, fossil fuels have relinquished their place as the cheapest option. Renewable energy, namely solar and wind power, have moved into the space of giving you the most bang for your buck. While you might imagine that large corporations can benefit from this news, it’s a change that affects each and every individual as well.

Solar energy is more affordable than ever, particularly for Floridians. As a location that gets more sun than many others across the nation, homeowners can cash in on inexpensive solar options. If you live in an apartment, you can take advantage of lesser priced portable units. Those who own their own homes can install a solar energy system for a price that will pay for itself in just a handful of years.

Although experts are claiming we are at a “tipping point” when it comes to renewable energy, not enough money is being invested into the industry. Maybe people are scared to make such a dramatic change, or perhaps they don’t trust that solar power will remain an affordable and viable option for generations to come.

As a consumer, you have the power to promote this change to renewable energy. Talk to your local grocery store or bank about putting solar panels on their roofs. Discuss it with neighbors to see if a group of you are interested; many times a discount is available for larger investments. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint and at the same time lower your own energy costs, the time is ripe to make the switch.