Solar energy equipment has become far more accessible in the United States than it was even 10 years ago. But solar technologies have been flourishing around the globe for decades, leaving some of our neighbors “across the pond” even more solar savvy. In particular, Central Europe and Eastern Asia have proven to be most efficient in their use to solar panels and clean energy equipment, but with the way the U.S. has been growing, there is potential for our spot on the list to be bumped up over the next few years.

5. United States: 18,317 Megawatts – Solar energy in the United States has grown tremendously due to the fact that solar energy installations have become more affordable and the return on investment has been expedited. But there is still room for more U.S. residents to get onboard with the solar energy revolution.

4. Italy: 18,622 Megawatts – It may be small, but Italy can hold its own in the clean energy game. Coming in at number four, the many vineyards, sweeping hills, and coastal cities (not to mention the value of Mediterranean sun), make solar one of the leading energy production methods.

3. Japan: 23,409 Megawatts – Yet another small country leading the pack is Japan, whose technologies have long succeeded even those of the U.S. Japan has even established “solar cities”, where every roof is outfitted with solar panels, whether it’s a home or a business.

2. China: 28,330 Megawatts – China is home to one of the biggest populations in the world, which means they need a lot of electricity to keep the lights on. But it is also one of the largest countries in the world, with many people living in remote areas where solar energy’s efficiency makes it the only viable option.

1. Germany: 38,250 Megawatts – Most professionals in the clean energy industry look to Germany as the solar energy capital of the world. Not only does it house thousands of panels in a variety of different ways, such as rooftops, solar parks, and huge solar farms, but they have some of the most innovative tech in the world.